Das Messegebäude ist zu sehen, der Hamburger Fernsehturm und drei Get Nord Flaggen. Personen laufen draußen umher und es ist eine große aufgeblasene Figur zu sehen.

Strong impetus for networking in building engineering | GET Nord 2022 inspires the entire electrical and sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector

Heat transition, energy efficiency, drinking water hygiene: GET Nord 2022 once again impressively demonstrated which current topics are the focus of building energy technology and which solutions are possible by networking the electrical, sanitation, heating and air conditioning trades. The only joint building technology trade fair in Germany ended after three intensive days on 19 November 2022 with consistently positive feedback from all industry representatives.

Around 550 exhibiting companies from 11 countries presented on 60,000 square metres of exhibition space how processes and procedures can be sustainably optimised and savings potential realised with state-of-the-art building technology. In addition, resourceful solutions from the field of digitalisation and electrification showed which key technologies can actively contribute to achieving climate goals. The trade fair thus once again became a hub for forward-looking information in all areas of building technology. "GET Nord has become an information and know-how hotspot in the northern German trades that is not missing from any industry diary," says Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress. "With the momentum of three fantastic days of face-to-face exchanges around pioneering state-of-the-art technologies, we are already looking forward to GET Nord 2024."


Heat transition as a supporting element of a climate-neutral future

This year, GET Nord focused particularly on networked solutions for the building technology challenges of our time. Exactly right, as Markus Staudt, Director of the Federation of the German Heating Industry (BDH), sums up: "GET Nord was an absolute success and came at exactly the right time. Trade visitors found solutions for the mega issues of climate protection and security of supply. In particular, the combined concept of electrical and SHK has proven its worth and reflects the development on the market. It was noticeable that, after the pandemic, people were once again enjoying meeting each other and having a direct professional exchange."


Future-oriented technologies and industry know-how were the common thread linking the exhibition stands, special shows, forums and expert lectures. The possibilities of a self-sufficient energy supply were addressed as well as the associated standards, the building-wide topic of resource efficiency and the safe supply of drinking water. These interlinked industry topics united master craftsmen and journeymen, architects, engineers, planners and consultants as visitors to the eight exhibition halls.


Since 2008: Networking of the trades a unique factor in the success of GET Nord

Just as the electrical and plumbing, heating and air-conditioning trades come together in practice, GET Nord has for years presented itself as a joint trade fair for all relevant players in the field of technical building equipment. The key to this success is the good cooperation of the North German trade associations, which draw a consistently positive conclusion. "The networking of electrical and SHK has once again been a complete success at this GET Nord. It has been shown that a trade fair as a marketplace of encounters is more than in keeping with the times," says Jens Wagner, Master of the Hamburg Guild Association for Sanitation and Heating Engineering, summing up his impressions. "We perceived a very positive mood among the manufacturers and the trade. From our point of view, GET Nord 2022 was an all-round successful event - just as we had hoped and wished."


The North German electrical trades also look back on a very successful GET Nord 2022, with a special focus on the trend topic of the energy transition, especially in the areas of energy management and sector coupling, according to Heiko Nass, President of the North German Federation for Electric and Information Technology. "Our conclusion after the three intensive days of the trade fair is that these market-relevant topics have come into even sharper focus with the trade visitors."


Visitors and exhibiting companies equally enthusiastic

Many representatives of exhibiting companies emphasised the importance of industry events such as GET Nord. They were just as enthusiastic about the concept and success of the Hamburg trade fair as the more than 35,000 trade visitors.


According to preliminary figures from a visitor survey conducted by an independent market research institute, 89 percent of them gave GET Nord top marks and 90 percent would recommend the trade fair to others. The main drivers for visitors were the desire for further training and expansion of professional knowledge as well as gaining information about new products, innovations and trends in the industry. GET Nord 2022 was able to record an increase in decision-makers compared to the previous event. 97 percent of those surveyed confirmed GET Nord as the leading trade fair in the North, showcasing the entire diversity of building technology.


GET Nord has taken account of the desire for compact knowledge transfer in one place, not least with the numerous specialist forums and the extensive stage programme. In particular, the new ENERGY Forum with its wide range of trend topics was used by around half of the visitors. The programme will continue to be expanded in future and adapted to the needs of the electrical and plumbing, heating and air-conditioning sectors.


The next GET Nord will take place from 21 to 23 November 2024 in the Hamburg exhibition halls.


You can find more voices and pictures of GET Nord in the download area. The communicated figures are based on a projection from the last day of the fair, as of 12 noon, and are provisional.


Niko Karcher-Jüngling
T. +49 40 3569-2488
Niko Karcher-Jüngling